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Central de Carnes: Weigh price labeling processes perfected
The Spanish company Central de Carnes produces and sells high quality meat products. When…
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Incarlopsa - Maximum digitalization in three phases
Upsizing to a digital 70,000 m² abattoir in three phases – Spanish pork producer…
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Software Demo bread and bakery products
Take a closer look at our industry-specific ERP system for bakeries and pastry shops.…
Experience the key functions of the CSB-System
Take a close look at our ERP system. Watch our demo-video of the most important functions,…
The CSB-System
The CSB-System is based on future-oriented technologies that offer you maximum…
ERP Software Demo
Take a close look at our ERP system. Watch our Demo Video of the most important functions, for example production planning, cutting, traceability and our web apps.