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CSB-System SE
An Fürthenrode 9 - 15
52511 Geilenkirchen, Germany
Tel.: +49 2451 6250
Fax: +49 2451 625 291


Legal Form:
Incorporated Company, Registration Court Aachen, Registration Number HRB 24167
VAT Identification Number: DE 176183502
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 37567734


Dr. Peter Schimitzek

Board of Directors:
Sarah Vanessa Kröner

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Dr. Florian Hotz

External links on these websites relating to third party offers are links to the contents of the sites of the provider concerned and are not our responsibility. These references can be recognised as such from the context or are separately identified as such. We have no influence on the existing content of those sites. By providing these links, we are not adopting any of the content of the linked sites. In particular, we distance ourselves expressly from any opinions expressed therein.

Furthermore, responsibility can only be substantiated if we are aware of the infringements and it is reasonable and technically possible for us to prevent their application (§ 5 para. 2 TDG (Teleservices Act) / MDStV (State Media Treaty) ). We have checked external website contents for possible infringements of rights to the extent that can be reasonably expected.

No violations of copyright, trademark law, individual rights or infringements of competition law were apparent on the websites of these third party suppliers, nor are we aware of any criminal actions.

Copyright Notice:
All texts and images published on this web site are protected by copyright. Any use of the material not authorized by copyright law requires prior written agreement of the owner. This applies in particular to copying, editing, translating, saving, processing or reproducing contents in databases or other electronic media and systems. Printouts, photocopies and downloads from web sites are authorized only for personal, private and non-commercial use.